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  • He looks at me with his big eyes. Aunty, I think I need therapy ... and so does my sister! Aj… .the children think that a therapist with some kind of wand can take away their grief and pain. I understand his question. He has received difficult news. I give him a very stiff pressure and whisper in his ear; "Today I am your mother for a while". I keep walking because an appointment is waiting. A little later I meet him again in the hallway. His 2 big eyes look at me again. He says nothing…. "Hartseer is stupid after all"… I take both his hands and look him straight into his sad, shining eyes while I say; "Party times do not see us that hand of that Lord, but our know Sy heart… and Sy heart is good. His plan for you and your peace of mind. Confidence heart… His head nods yes, "lights" appear in his eyes. He and I light up and continue our day.
